I am on the hunt for a wheel and a kiln. Up until this point all of my pieces were created while taking classes at Oregon College of Art & Craft. It's now time to put together a studio and get busy creating. I have been researching wheels and am hoping to find a Shimpo VLWhisper. After reading many reviews from long time potters this seems to be the wheel of choice. I also have a meeting next week with a former letterpress colleague to see if I might be able to use her kiln. So the Encanto Creations story evolves. First it started as Encanto Press-- for 11 years I created letterpress cards under this moniker and now with the umbrella term of "creations", I'm giving myself the freedom to make and sell whatever suits my fancy! I hope to produce more products for your perusal as most of these items have already found homes. There will soon be new pieces once I get the studio up and running! Happy Holidays All!