It’s true I moved to the country and it suits me! My sleep has improved and my anxiety has diminished. I receive an abundance of natural light and the stars shine brightly at night. Covid finally caught up with me after a very busy summer of moving and commuting for a new job. It was an extremely busy summer. I’m finally getting the chance to set-up my studio and found someone to install some extra juice for the kiln.
I made my first journey to Eugene to Georgie’s Ceramics and Clay and feel inspired to begin again as they say. I passed through Junction City and other towns I’d never been through. The smoke was thick today so it wasn’t the most beautiful drive but interesting still.
I’m getting closer to being settled and am looking forward to seeing family on Sunday. I’m keeping it simple but also enjoy following some Italian Fashion on IG and have an eye towards travel. All of this to say, I’m inspired to keep creating and enjoying life’s ups and downs.